About MD Living with Confidence Coaching

I am a modern lady here to empower and inspire neurodivergent individuals to become unstuck in their lives. I am a teacher with science, psychology, coaching, life, and motivational knowledge to level up your life. My niche is building confidence in neurodivergent individuals to become their true selves. I help individuals become more confident, less anxious, and more emotionally healthy to be better able to navigate their connections and holistic lives to become their truest selves. Through active listening and empathetic understanding, I help clients identify their strengths while also addressing areas for growth. I am committed to creating a safe space where clients can feel heard without judgment. Contact me today for more information.

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+(208) 809-0025
[email protected]

Individualized Approach

I pride myself on providing personalized and comprehensive coaching services to individuals seeking personal development

Dedicated Coach

I am dedicated to empowering my clients to reach their full potential and live their best lives with confidence and purpose.


I empower neurodivergent individuals with confidence to become their truest selves.

I work with individuals aged 18 and older who are generally more independent, and who may have one or more of the following: Autism, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, and emotional PTSD. (I have a good amount of experience working with individuals with high intelligence.)

MD Living with Confidence Coaching is the top choice in Boise, Meridian, McCall, Eagle, Nampa, and Boise, ID if you are looking for a life, and neurodivergent coach. I will work closely with you throughout the process to help ensure that the results exceed your expectations while you are giving me 100% effort.

At MD Living with Confidence Coaching, I specialize in mental/emotional health, connections, and confidence. I am also a life health coach and motivational coach. I empower individuals with confidence to become their truest selves.

I strive for excellence in everything I do - no matter how big or small your problems may be - because your satisfaction is my top priority! If you're looking for a devoted life coach and someone who provides neurodivergent life coaching, such as autism coaching and ADHD coaching, and is committed to providing reliable service at competitive prices, contact me today to discuss how I can help meet your needs! Contact me and we can schedule your free 30 minute discovery call!



What I Offer


- Physical Education/Health Education Degree
- Coach, teacher, and leader by nature
- Life and health coach course completed
- Health and Life Coach Institute (ICF accredited)
- Managerial experience with adults and youth
- Years of coaching and teaching experience
- 20 years of receiving talk therapy experience
- Self-taught psychology/human behavior knowledge
- Problem-solving solution finding extraordinaire
- Natural ability to read and guide others
- Years of business and sales experience
- I have managed my own mental health issues, depression, emotional roadblocks, learning experiences, overall health, career advising, friendship & relationship blunders, and confidence issues.
- I successfully manage my own neurodivergence and enhance my abilities
- I am diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and anxiety. I have also dealt with OCD like PTSD and depression
- Continuous education around psychology, coaching, and neurodivergence
- I am constantly learning more about different expressions of neurodivergence
- I am constantly receiving coaching and therapy

Schedule a Free Discovery Call


- Physical Education/Health Education Degree
- Coach, teacher, and leader by nature
- Life and health coach course completed
- Health and Life Coach Institute (ICF accredited)
- Managerial experience with adults and youth
- Years of coaching and teaching experience
- 20 years of receiving talk therapy experience
- Self-taught psychology/human behavior knowledge
- Problem-solving solution finding extraordinaire
- Natural ability to read and guide others
- Years of business and sales experience
- I have managed my own mental health issues, depression, emotional roadblocks, learning experiences, overall health, career advising, friendship & relationship blunders, and confidence issues.
- I successfully manage my own neurodivergence and enhance my abilities
- I am diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and anxiety. I have also dealt with OCD like PTSD and depression
- Continuous education around psychology, coaching, and neurodivergence
- I am constantly learning more about different expressions of neurodivergence
- I am constantly receiving coaching and therapy

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

ABOUT MD Living with Confidence Coaching

Why MD Living with Confidence Coaching?

Holistic Approach

Through a holistic approach that incorporates evidence-based practices and personalized attention, I empower my clients to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

Expert At Your Service

My extensive training and experience in coaching and mindfulness enable me to provide a unique and transformative experience that is tailored to each client's unique needs and aspirations.

Excellent Customer Service

I am proud to offer unparalleled guidance and support to individuals seeking to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Skilled Life Coach

I am well versed in life coaching where clients can unlock their full potential and thrive in every aspect of their lives.


With a proven track record of success, I am confident in my ability to guide individuals toward a more fulfilling and empowered existence.


With unwavering dedication to my clients' success, I am committed to helping them unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives with confidence and optimism.




Year in th Business


Life Coach in Boise, ID


Customer Satisfaction